Development business idea
At Hyunshin Architecture, we check the requirements of the owner, such as the exact intention and purpose of the business, analyze the site, select and support the project site, and determine the appropriate size for introduction. By establishing specific plans and strategies to achieve the customer's business goals, Hyunshin Architecture provides professional medical construction solutions.
Size review
By identifying the height, shape, and size of the building in the context, condition, and law of the target site, we review the optimal planable size of the building, such as the upper bed of the medical facility and the outpatient department at the base.
Business Feasibility Review
The total project cost and construction cost are calculated according to the prerequisites derived from the development project concept and scale review to support the quick decision-making of the client, and it is provided to the client of the ‘Life Time Total Service’ such as remodeling, master plan, and facility operation advice.